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Promoting OT as an Operational Therapist

8 May

In honor of OT month (I know…I’m a few days after the month of May), I thought I’d share my 5 minutes of fame as an “operational therapist” 😜.

A coworker and I were on the local news in April to talk about what it means to be a pediatric occupational therapist. It was a wonderful experience and I enjoyed every minute of it! I was a bit nervous about being on live tv! As I was watching the video online, critiquing my every move of course, I happened to notice the tag line under my name said “Operational Therapist.” Oops!! Poor editing department. I’m sure they just knew they had it right. Oh well! Here’s to being that “Other therapist”… You know.. The “operational therapist”.. The one that does pretty much everything PT and ST don’t do..” Hehe.. The last part is all in fun. Nothing personal. 😄


Promoting OT!

6 Jan

Hello! I have to brag a minute. A patient I see was featured in his local newspaper. It was a great article and I wish I could post the whole thing! It really advocated for OT, PT, and treatment in the schools. He described what his OT does with him (that’s me!), and stated his favorite therapy is when he gets to move his hand! He is a great young man and a joy to work with! Great stuff!




You Might be a Pediatric Therapist if…

3 Jan

1. You know NDT isn’t a wrestling move
2. You know SI doesn’t mean sports illustrated
3. You ask friends and spouses if they need to go “potty”
4. You get really good at spelling words like ” candy, mom, and playground” so kids don’t hear
5. You’ve found crayons and highlighters in your laundry
6. You save random household products to use for “therapy tools”
7. You shop for toys for yourself
8. You refer to your patients as your “kids”
9. You know Hippotherapy doesnt involve hippos
10. You impact the lives of children and their families to enhance their independence and development in order for them to grow and learn.

Leave me comments with more!!

You Might Be An OT If…

6 Nov

1. PROM no longer means high school dance
2. Your available ROM has nothing to do with your computer
3. You know that occupation is more than a job
4. You diagnose yourself with every new condition you know.
5.You have to explain what you do for a living.
6. You know that playing games is a part of therapy.
7. You use shorthand when writing emails or text messages
8. You know that OT does not mean Over Time
9. You attempt to guess the diagnosis/disability of strangers
10. You focus on helping people achieve independence in all areas of their lives.

Love this! Can you think of any more????

Occupational Therapist Prayer

6 Oct

I love this.. I’m thinking it needs to find its way onto a canvas for my office.. 🙂

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the gift of my profession.
Thank you for my education and training.
Thank you for the daily strength to address the challenges of disability and despair.
Thank you for the joy I feel in watching my clients progress toward independence.
Thank You for being my Advisor when I creatively solve a problem.
Thank You for the gift of Your Son Jesus Christ and my salvation.
Grant me the wisdom to understand my clients and fellow workers.
Grant me the patience to wait for Your healing of the whole person.
Grant me the opportunity to witness my love for You Through my lifestyle and my daily work.
Grant me the fellowship of other therapists that know and love You.
Grant me the humility to work as a team player with other professionals for the good of those we serve.
Grant me the peace that comes through knowing You during these turbulent times of change .
Cover me in the precious protective blood of Jesus on a daily basis.
In Christ Jesus I pray.

Be blessed!


What is OT?

22 Sep

I thought I would post a note explaining exactly what becoming an OT means! If you’ve ever heard of physical therapy, reading this description will make a little bit more sense. We are similar; however, we definitely have our own specialty…and that is FUNCTION! Who cares how strong your legs are, or if you have full range of motion in your joints, if you can’t walk to the toilet, unbutton your pants, pull down your zipper, pull down your pants (without losing your balance), sit on the toilet, and use the restroom like you used to before you had a stroke. It’s the little things in life that we take advantage of, and we don’t realize how important those little things are until we are unable to do them, or our children are having difficulty learning how to do them by themselves. OT is part of the rehabilitation team, which also includes physical therapy and speech therapy. There are many different populations you can work with as an OT, including infants, children, adolescents, young and older adults, and even in mental health. So here goes my attempt at explaining OT:

What Is Occupational Therapy? According to the American Occupational Therapy Association OT in its simplest terms is described as:

“Occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants help people across the lifespan participate in the things they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of everyday activities (occupations). Common occupational therapy interventions include helping children with disabilities to participate fully in school and social situations, helping people recovering from injury to regain skills, and providing supports for older adults experiencing physical and cognitive changes.”

I’ll try to break it down. What does “occupation” mean?

Occupation is defined as: “that which chiefly engages one’s time, trade, profession, or business.”

In plain English, occupation can be defined as the way in which we occupy our time. According to our profession’s framework, our time can be divided into 3 categories: work, self-care, and leisure/play.

Work is defined as:  exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labor; toil.

Self-care (also known in the OT world as Activities of Daily Living) is defined as: sleeping, eating, grooming, dressing, and toileting.

Leisure/play is defined as: free, unoccupied time; time free from the demands of work or duty, when one can rest, enjoy hobbies or sports, etc.

So basically, every activity we engage in on a daily basis, whether chosen or by obligation, restful or stressful, paid or unpaid, can be considered our individual “occupations.” Our occupations give us a sense of purpose, and allow us to interact with others and the world.

Now for the definition of “therapy.”

Therapy is defined as: “the treatment of disease or disorders, as by some remedial, rehabilitating, or curative process”

If, at any point in your life (whether present at birth or onset at a later time), illness, injury, or disability prevents you from effectively or independently functioning in one or more of your “occupations”, then it is the job of the Occupational Therapist to provide interventions in order to help you regain lost function, or make accommodations or modifications for any deficits you may have.

Make sense?

Still want to know more? Check out this website:


OT ranked top 10 jobs in US News for 2012

22 Sep

Best. Job. Ever. 🙂


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